Your blog on the world map

What started as a creative brainstorming between myself and Larísa a few days ago in a topic on second language blogging, is beginning to take shape in the hands of enthusiastic Rebecca at the MMO Melting Pot. The crew over there has been very busy the past weeks, giving the page layout a basic overhaul and adjusting their blogroll – and that’s why clearly, they needed more work on top of it!

It’s great to see at what speed this idea was taken up, but what’s needed for this to happen now is your input and support. Do you want to add your MMO blog to a united blogosphere world map? Did you ever wonder who your blogging neighbours might be? Then it’s time to head over to the Melting Pot and leave your feedback and suggestions for Rebecca and the rest of the team!

Personally I’d love to see this in action and I hear there are cookies involved.
Leave your vote today folks (no vote makes Squirrel sad)!


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