The invincible mage

Ever since my article of last week, I had this idea for a comic in my mind and last night I finally found the time to have a go. I’m not a versed comic maker like Liala (check out her awesome Orc detective story), but it seems like a great way to close some of this and last week’s hottest blog discussions (and was loads of fun to create). I don’t think much explanation is needed. 😉


A very happy weekend to you – and all you tanks, healers and damage dealers out there!


  1. Dude, that looks AWESOME! I can’t believe I missed this when it came out; you’ve got to do more!! (I mean, is there really any limit to how much you can make fun of casters?) Hilarious! MOAR, MOAR!

    – Liala / DisciplinaryAction (sorry, my logins aren’t working today!)

  2. LOL! thanks Liala, I actually found your comment in the spamfolder for some reason.
    and it was great fun creating that comic, I’d love to make more sometime (I need to get speedier though, this took me ages!). =)

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